Dry eyes-collodial silver

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Dry eyes-collodial silver

Postby Steven Williams » Tue 23 Feb 2010 11:12 pm

Has anyone else tried this?

‘Help for Dry Eyes’.

It just so happened one of our customers (Ms. Barbara Campbell) sent in an amazing testimony last month, on how Colloidal Silver restored her ‘vision’ where medication failed, and asked me to pass her story on to help others…

In 2007, Barbara Campbell was told that she had an incurable condition called ‘Dry Eye’, plus a 'chronic' disease called Blepharitis caused by a bacterial infection on the front of her eye. She was given ‘medicated eye-drops’ but found it in-effective.

In April 2009, as a birthday treat, Barbara took her daughter to the theatre and realised she could not see the faces of the performers on stage, even though they were only a few rows from the front of stage. The following day, a distressed Barbara went to the Western Eye Hospital . By now she had to rely on someone guiding her from her home in London with about 30 percent vision in her right eye and increasingly weakening vision in her left, due to it being strained. Over the next few weeks, Barbara continued to lose focus as her vision blurred further. By this time she had sought consultation with Moorfields Eye Hospital , going from one eye test to another over a period of months, even changing her glasses prescription but nothing worked. As a writer, freelancer and business-woman with her own publishing house, her livelihood was in jeopardy and she lost valuable contracts due to an inability to see clearly enough to read her incoming emails or work on the computer.

In Sept’09, whilst in conversation, Barbara mentioned her impending treatment in Moorfields and the prospect of getting her eyes 'plugged'. I told her to try two drops of ‘Colloidal Silver’ daily and sent the ‘eye-drops’. Within a week, Barbara’s vision had improved from point size 18 to 12 and could not only read her emails but had her full vision back. She began working again whilst continuing to use the Colloidal Silver. .

On 12th November’09, she was examined by Moorfield’s eye specialist who told her that an operation was not necessary as her vision was no longer blurred. Plus the ‘chronic bacterial infection’ on her eye for which they had no cure, had literally all disappeared, including itchiness or redness.

Barbara says; “As doctors and opticians do not seem to be aware, I’d like to let others with the same condition know that there is HOPE out there. I am convinced that if not for Dounne Alexander, I would still be unable to see properly, my business would have folded and as a single-parent, I'd be seeking State-Benefits to survive. Yes, there is no cure for dry-eyes but there is something that can help it and its related ailments – it's called Colloidal Silver.

Bad news for sufferers but good news for pharma industry is that like other alternative natural health products its being quietly banned by the EU.


SURPRISE! SURPRISE! As feared, Colloidal Silver was quietly banned from use for humans & animals at the beginning of the year. Yet the majority of the general public, including Health Practitioners, MPs, MEPs and even the Herbal Food Manufacturers Association (HFMA), are completely unaware that this had happened. This is the manner in which most ‘natural products’ will become illegal and QUIETLY removed from the marketplace.

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